UP Jal Nigam Result
Uttar Pradesh जल निगम will conduct test for Junior Engineer & Assistant Engineer. Only those who sit in test will be able to view their UP Jal Nigam Result for AE/JE. Apart of this, you may download UPJN Cutoff as well as Merit List.
UPJN Result 2019 for AE/JE:
Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Junior Engineer Result will be in form of merit list having name as well as roll number of aspirants who qualified same. All you need is to check your name & roll number from UPJN JE Result List.
UP Jal Nigam Cutoff Marks 2019:
Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Cutoff Marks refers to minimum marks to qualify examination. It will be based on factors as number of participants who sit in test & many more.
Now, verify more details about UP Jal Nigam Result 2019 from this page created by team of www.recruitmentinboxx.com
UP Jal Nigam Result
Is there easy way to access UP Jal Nigam Results 2019 For AE/JE?
- To view UP Jal Nigam Merit List or Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam JE Results, refer official website that is jn.upsdc.gov.in
- ‘News & Updates’ section is visible under left side.
- Prefer link for Assistant Engineer Result or UPJN AE Result download.
- Moreover, PDF File in form of Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Merit List having names of selected aspirants will display.
- Now, ensure your name as well as roll number from list.
- Then, preserve your Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Assistant Engineer Result or UP Jal Nigam JE Results.
- Remember, score card can be used any time in future.
Press here for UP Jal Nigam Official Link
UPJN Merit List 2019 for AE/JE:
Participants may view their UP Jal Nigam Results or Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam AE Results available at official portal soon.
UP Jal Nigam Cutoff List 2019:
UPJN Cut Off list will be released for General, SC & ST Category separately. It will have marks to move towards next stage of selection. Those who score more than minimum marks will undergo Interview session.
Find Here: Uttar Pradesh Jobs
What after UP Jal Nigam AE/JE Results 2019?
On the criteria of UP Jal Nigam Junior Engineer Results, you will be invited for next assortment round i.e. Interview. Carry all relevant documents at interview hall along with passport size photograph.
Final Note:
Aspirants must also verify more details for UP Jal Nigam Results 2019 from its Official Link. On release of Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Result, we will update you.