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CA Final Syllabus 2022 May & Dec New/Old Exam ICAI Final Download pdf

CA Final Syllabus

To qualify final, download CA Final Syllabus PDF. Those cracked foundation may refer ICAI Final (New/Old Exam) May & December updated syllabus.

Detailed CA Final Syllabus for (Group-I) & (Group-II):

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CA Final Syllabus

Curriculum for Final Course:

Group I
Paper 1 Financial Reporting (100 Marks)
Paper 2 Strategic Financial Management (100 Marks)
Paper 3 Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (100 Marks)
Paper 4 Corporate and Allied Laws (100 Marks)

Section A: Company Law (70 Marks)

Section B: Allied Laws (30 Marks)

Group II
Paper 5 Advanced Management Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper 6 Information Systems Control and Audit (100 Marks)
Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws (100 Marks)
Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws (100 Marks)

Section A : Central Excise (25 Marks)

Section B: Service Tax & Goods and Services Tax (50 Marks)

Section C:Customs (25 Marks)

 CA Final Group I Syllabus

Paper 1: CA Final Syllabus 2022 For Financial Reporting:

  • The motto of this exam is to gain ability to solve financial reporting and valuation cases, so check CA Final Financial Reporting Syllabus here.
  • Accounting Standards and Guidance Notes on various accounting aspects issued by the ICAI and their applications.
  • Introduction of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS); Comparative study of ASs vis-a-visInd ASs; Carve outs/ins in Ind ASs vis-à-vis International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).
  • Corporate Financial Reporting – Issues and problems with special reference to published financial statements.
  • Accounting for Corporate Restructuring (including inter-company holdings).
  • Consolidated Financial Statements of Group Companies Concept of a Group, purposes of consolidated financial statements, minority interest, Goodwill , Consolidation procedures – Minority interests, Goodwill, Treatment of pre- acquisition and postacquisition profit. Etc.
  • Accounting and reporting of financial instruments Meaning, recognition, derecognition and offset, compound financial instruments Measurement of financial instruments Hedge accounting Disclosures
  • Share based payments Meaning, Equity settled transactions, Transaction with employees and non- employees Determination of fair value of equity instruments Vesting conditionsModification, cancellation and settlement Disclosures
  • Financial Reporting by Mutual funds, Non-banking finance companies, Merchant bankers, Stock and commodity market intermediaries.
  • Valuation (a) Concept of Valuation (b) Valuation of Tangible Fixed Assets (c) Valuation of Intangibles including brand valuation and valuation of goodwill (d) Valuation of liabilities (e) Valuation of Shares (f) Valuation of Business
  • Developments in Financial Reporting (a) Value Added Statement (b) Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Shareholders’ Value Added (c) Human Resource Reporting.

CA Final SFM Syllabus For Paper 2 Syllabus:

This exam is organized for applying financial management theories and techniques for strategic decision making.

Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy
Strategic decision making framework Interface of Financial

Policy and strategic management Balancing financial goals vis-à-vis sustainable growth

Project Planning and Capital Budgeting
Feasibility study Cash flow Projections – Impact of taxation,

depreciation, inflation and working capital Capital Budgeting Decisions – Certainty Equivalent approachetc

Leasing decision including cross border leasing
Dividend Decisions:
Dividend theories, Determinants of dividend policies.
Indian Capital Market including role of various primary and secondary market institutions
Capital Market Instruments Financial derivatives
stock futures, stock options, index futures, index options Option valuation techniques : Binomial model, Black Scholes Option Pricing Model, Greeks – Delta, Gamma, Theta, Rho and Vega Pricing of Futures – Cost of carry model Imbedded derivatives, Commodity derivatives
OTC derivatives
Swaps, Swaptions, Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs), Caps, Floors and Collors.
Security Analysis Fundamental analysis
Economic analysis, Industry analysis and Company Analysisetc
Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Efficient Market Theory
Random walk theory; Markowitz model of risk return optimization Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) Sharpe Index Model
Financial Services in India Investment Banking Retail Banking, On Line Share Trading Depository Service.
Mutual Funds
Regulatory framework, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of various schemes of Mutual funds, Money market mutual funds. Exchange Traded Funds.
Money Market operations, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Institutional Investment
International Financial Management Raising of capital abroad
American Depository Receipts, Global Depository Receipts, External Commercial Borrowings and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management Exchange rate determination, Exchange rate forecasting Foreign currency market Foreign exchange derivatives – Forward, futures, options and swaps
Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring Meaning of mergers and acquisition, categories, purposes Process of mergers and acquisition – Identification and valuation of the target, acquisition through negotiation, due diligence, post – merger integration

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Paper 3 Advanced Auditing And Professional Ethics Syllabus:

This paper is organized for knowing expert knowledge of current auditing practices and procedures and uses them in auditing engagements

  • Auditing Standards, Statements and Guidance Notes Auditing and Assurance Standards (AASs); Statements and Guidance Notes on Auditing issued by the ICAI; Significant differences between Auditing and Assurance Standards and International Standards on Auditing.
  • Audit strategy, planning and programming Planning the flow of audit work; audit strategy, planning programme and importance of supervision: review of audit notes and working papers; drafting of reports; principal’s ultimate responsibility; extent of delegation; control over quality of audit work; reliance on the work of other auditor, internal auditor or an expert.
  • Risk Assessment and Internal Control Evaluation of internal control procedures; techniques including questionnaire, flowchart; internal audit and external audit, coordination between the two.
  • Audit under computerized information system (CIS) environment Special aspects of CIS Audit Environment, need for review of internal control especially procedure controls and facility controls. Approach to audit in CIS Environment, use of computers for internal and management audit purposes: audit tools, test packs, computerized audit programmes; Special Aspects in Audit of E-Commerce Transaction.
  • Special audit techniques (a) Selective verification; statistical sampling: Special audit procedures; physical verification of assets, direct confirmation of debtors and creditors (b) Analytical review procedures (c) Risk-based auditing.
  • Audit of limited companies Relevant Provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 relating to Audit and Auditors and Rules made thereunder; Audit of branches: joint audits; Dividends and divisible profits – financial, legal, and policy considerations.
  • Rights, duties, and liabilities of auditors; third party liability.
  • Audit reports; Qualifications, notes on accounts, distinction between notes and qualifications, detailed observations by the statutory auditor to the management vis-a-vis obligations of reporting to the members.
  • Audit Committee and Corporate Governance
  • Provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 in respect of Accounts of Companies and Rules made thereunder. Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements, Audit Reports and Certificates for Special Purpose engagements; Certificates under the Payment of Bonus Act, import/export control authorities, etc.; Specific services to non-audit clients; Certificate on Corporate Governance.
  • Special features of audit of banks, insurance companies, co-operative societies and non-banking financial companies.
  • Audit under Fiscal Laws, viz, Direct and Indirect Tax Laws. Cost audit.
  • Special audit assignments like audit of bank borrowers, audit of stock and commodity exchange intermediaries and depositories; inspection of special entities like banks, financial institutions, mutual funds, stock brokers.
  • Special features in audit of public sector companies. Directions of Comptroller and Auditor General of India to statutory auditors; Concepts of propriety and efficiency audit.
  • Internal audit, management and operational audit Nature and purpose, organisation, audit programme, behavioural problems; Internal Audit Standards issued by the ICAI; Specific areas of management and operational audit involving review of internal control, purchasing operations, manufacturing operations, selling and distribution, personnel policies, systems and procedures. Aspects relating to concurrent audit.
  • Investigation and Due Diligence, Concept of peer review. Salient features of Sarbanes – Oxley Act, 2002 with special reference to reporting on internal control. Professional Ethics.

Know Here: How to Improve Your Memory for Studying

Paper 4 CA Final Law Syllabus (Corporate And Allied Laws) Syllabus:

It is divided into two sections

  • Section A: Company Law
  • Section B: Allied Laws

Section A: Company Law Syllabus:

  • Declaration and payment of Dividend
  • Accounts and audit
  • Appointment and Qualifications of Directors
  • Appointment and remuneration of Managerial Personnel
  • Meetings of Board and its powers
  • Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation
  • Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations
  • Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement
  • Revival and Rehabilitation of Sick Companies
  • Winding Up
  • Producer Companies
  • Companies incorporated outside India
  • Offences and Penalties
  • E-governance
  • National Company Law Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal
  • Special Courts
  • Miscellaneous Provision
  • Corporate Secretarial Practice–Drafting of Resolution, Minutes, Notices and Reports
  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016- Covering Important Definitions, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process, and Liquidation Process

Section B: Allied Laws Syllabus:

  • The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, Rules, Regulations and Guidelines issued thereunder.
  • Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
  • The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
  • The Competition Act, 2002
  • The Banking Regulation Act, 1949, The Insurance Act, 1938. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999. The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002
  • The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
  • Interpretation of Statutes, Deeds and Documents.

Get (CPT/IPCC/ATC/CA/Final) New Exam Pattern & Syllabus: CA Syllabus

CA Final Group II Syllabus

Paper 5: Advanced Management Accounting Syllabus:

Cost Management:

  • Developments in the Business Environment
  • Activity Based Approaches to management and cost analysis
  • Analysis of Common Costs in manufacturing and service industry
  • Techniques for Profit Improvement, Cost Reduction, and Value Analysis
  • Throughput Accounting
  • Target Costing; Cost Ascertainment and Pricing of Products and Services
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • Shut Down and Divestment.

Cost Volume Profit Analysis:

  • Relevant Cost
  • Product Sales Pricing and Mix
  • Limiting Factors
  • Multiple Scarce Resource Problems
  • Decisions about Alternatives such as Make or Buy, Selection of Products, etc.

Pricing Decisions:

  • Pricing of a Finished Product
  • Theory of Price
  • Pricing Policy
  • Principles of Product Pricing
  • New Product Pricing
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Pricing of Services
  • Pareto Analysis

Must Read: How to Make Good Study Habits for Exam

Budgets and Budgetary Control:

  • The Budget Manual, Preparation and Monitoring Procedures
  • Budget Variances, Flexible Budgets
  • Preparation of Functional Budget for Operating and Non-Operating Functions
  • Cash Budgets, Capital Expenditure Budget
  • Master Budget, Principal Budget Factors.

Standard Costing and Variance Analysis:

  • Types of Standards and Sources of Standard Cost Information; Evolution of Standards, Continuous – Improvement; Keeping Standards Meaningful and Relevant; Variance Analysis; Disposal of Variances.
  • Investigation and Interpretation of Variances and their Inter Relationship
  • Behavioural Considerations.

Transfer Pricing:

  • Objectives of Transfer Pricing
  • Methods of Transfer Pricing
  • Conflict between a Division and a Company
  • Multi-National Transfer Pricing.
  • Cost Management in Service Sector
  • Uniform Costing and Inter Firm Comparison
  • Profitability Analysis – Product Wise / Segment Wise / Customer Wise

Financial Decision Modeling:

  • Linear Programming
  • Network Analysis – PERT/CPM, Resource Allocation and Resource Leveling.
  • Transportation Problems
  • Assignment Problems
  • Simulation
  • Learning Curve Theory
  • Time Series Forecasting
  • Sampling and Test of Hypothesis

Paper 6: Information Systems Control And Audit Syllabus:

  • Concepts of Governance and Management of Information Systems: Governance, Risk and compliance and relationship between governance and management. Role of information technology and IS Strategy in business strategy etc.
  • Information Systems Concepts: Overview of information systems in IT environment and practical aspects of application of information systems in enterprise processes.
  • Protection of Information Systems: Need for protection of Information systems, types of controls, IT general controls, logical access controls & application controls.
  • Business Continuity Planning and Disaster recovery planning: Assessing Business Continuity Management, Business Impact Analysis and Business Continuity Plans, Disaster recovery from perspective of going concern, Recovery Strategies
  • Acquisition, Development and Implementation of Information Systems: Business process design (integrated systems, automated, and manual interfaces), Software procurement, RFP process, evaluation of IT proposals, computing ROI etc.
  • Auditing & Information Systems: Different types of IS audit and assurance engagements. Evaluating IT dependencies for audit planning. Overview of continuous auditing. Auditing Information System.
  • Information Technology Regulatory issues: Overview of Specific section of IT Act 2008 & Rules as relevant for assurance: Electronic Contracting, digital signatures, cyber offences, etc.
  • Emerging Technology: Overview of Cloud Computing, Software as a Service, Mobile Computing & BYOD, Web 2.0 & social media, Green IT and related security and audit issues.

Paper – 7: Direct Tax Laws Syllabus:

The Income-tax Act, 1961 and Rules there under:

  • While covering the direct tax laws, students should familiarise themselves with considerations relevant to tax management. These may include tax considerations with regard to specific management decisions
  • foreign collaboration agreements, international taxation, amalgamations, tax incentives, personnel compensation plans, inter-relationship of taxation and accounting, with special reference to relevant accounting standards and other precautions to be observed to maximise tax relief
  • Further, they should have a basic understanding about the ethical considerations in tax management and compliance with taxation laws.

CA Final New Syllabus ICAI for Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws:

Section A: Central Excise Central Excise Act, 1944

and the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985

Section B: Service Tax & Goods and Services Tax Service Tax

Overview of GST

Section C: Customs Customs Act, 1962 and Customs

Tariff Act, 1975 and Foreign Trade Policy to the extent relevant to indirect tax laws

Download Date Sheet Here: CA Final Time Table

CA Final Exam Pattern

Group I
Paper 1:Financial Reporting 100
Paper 2:Strategic Financial Management 100
Paper 3: Advanced Auditing AndProfessional Ethics 100
Paper 4: Corporate And Allied Laws 100
Group II
Paper 5Advanced Management Accounting 100
Paper 6: Information SystemsControl And Audit 100
Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws 100
Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws 100

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CA Final Exam 2022:

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India organize exam twice in a year i.e. in the month of November and May. CA Final Syllabus For May 2022/CA Final Syllabus For Nov 2022 will help in best preparation for exam.

In order to appear in CA Final Examination 2022, you are required to qualify Intermediate Examination or professional education examination – II./PCC/IPCC.

Also Apply For: CA Foundation Exam

From Here, Do Online Registration: CA CPT Application Form

Requirements for Appearing in CA Final Exam 2022:

Prior appearing in for CA Final Examination 2022, you must complete prescribed period of 3 years or 3½ years training as on the date of filling form. Those, who’ve attained training session, are only eligible for CA Final May Exam 2022.

Final words:

CA Final Syllabus 2022 is well placed on this page. You may bookmark our portal www.recruitmentinboxx.com for getting more updates on your timeline. Refer CA Final New Syllabus Study Material & CA Final Syllabus For May 2022 ICAI to score well in exam.

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