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Bank Reasoning Quiz | Practice Test for IBPS, SBI Clerk/PO (Ques-Ans)

Bank Reasoning Quiz

Boost your preparation with Bank Reasoning Quiz!!! Today every second contender wants a successful career in Banking. To get Job in banks it is mandatory for everyone to qualify the Written Examination. There are several sections in written Exams and Reasoning is one of them.

Through reasoning section, the bank selection committee evaluates the ability of candidate to solve a situation effectively with efficiency. The Bank Reasoning Quiz and Practice Test for IBPS, SBI Clerk/PO (Ques-Ans) will help all in getting ace over all the sections of Bank Reasoning

Bank Reasoning Quiz: Practice Test for IBPS, SBI Clerk/PO Examination!!!

There are several important topics included in Bank Reasoning Quiz like Syllogism, Logical Reasoning, Inequality, Data Sufficiency Ranking, Alpha-Numerical, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, Coding-decoding, Input-Output etc.

Reasoning is a common subject for all bank exams. To solve this section the most important thing required is a clear mind and having clear concept. If you know the problem and understood the situation then you can easily answer the question in few seconds. The Bank Reasoning Quiz given here in this article of www.recruitmentinboxx.com will help you in sharpen your reasoning skills.

Bank Reasoning Quiz

Here in the below section we have given some important Bank Questions and Answers. Candidates are suggested to solve this Bank Reasoning Quiz / Bank Practice Test and enhance their preparation for banking sector.

Question 1: SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL

  1. CMN
  2. UJI
  3. VIJ
  4. IJT

Answer: 3

Question 2: CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU

  1. GRR
  2. GSS
  3. ISS
  4. ITT

Answer: 3

Question 3: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  1. Chicken
  2. Snake
  3. Swan
  4. Crocodile
  5. Frog

Answer: 1

Know Here: How To Prepare Reasoning for Exams in 10 Days

Question 4: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  1. Cap
  2. Turban
  3. Helmet
  4. Veil
  5. Hat

Answer: 4

Question 5: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  1. Kiwi
  2. Eagle
  3. Emu
  4. Ostrich

Answer: 2

Get Best Answer: How To Prepare For Bank Exam

IBPS Bank Reasoning Quiz

Question 6: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  1. Rigveda
  2. Yajurveda
  3. Atharvaveda
  4. Ayurveda
  5. Samveda

Answer: 4

Question 7: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

  1. Curd
  2. Butter
  3. Oil
  4. Cheese
  5. Cream

Answer: 3     

Question 8: QPO, NML, KJI, _____, EDC

  1. HGF
  2. CAB
  3. JKL
  4. GHI

Answer: 1

Read Out: 7 Best Tricks To Crack Reasoning Section Of IBPS PO

Question 9: JAK, KBL, LCM, MDN, _____

  1. OEP
  2. NEO
  3. MEN
  4. PFQ

Answer: 2

Question 10: BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ___

  1. JKJ
  2. HJH
  3. IJI
  4. JHJ

Answer: 1

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Bank Reasoning Quiz – SBI Clerk Reasoning Quiz

Question 11: desert

  1. cactus
  2. arid
  3. oasis
  4. flat

Answer: 2

Question 12: book

  1. fiction
  2. pages
  3. pictures
  4. learning

Answer: 2

Get Here Reasoning Marking Scheme: Bank Exam Pattern

Question 13: language

  1. tongue
  2. slang
  3. writing
  4. words

Answer: 4

Question 14: school

  1. student
  2. report card
  3. test
  4. learning

Answer: 1

Question 15: Odometer is to mileage as compass is to

  1. speed
  2. hiking
  3. needle
  4. direction

Answer: 4

Check Out Complete: Bank Exam Study Material

Bank Reasoning Quiz – SBI PO Reasoning Quiz

Question 16: Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

  1. winter
  2. bear
  3. dream
  4. sleep

Answer: 4

Question 17: Window is to pane as book is to

  1. novel
  2. glass
  3. cover
  4. page

Answer: 4

Question 18: Cup is to coffee as bowl is to

  1. dish
  2. soup
  3. spoon
  4. food

Answer: 2

Get Detailed: Bank Exam Syllabus

Question 19: Yard is to inch as quart is to

  1. gallon
  2. ounce
  3. milk
  4. liquid

Answer: 2

Question 20: Artist is to painting as senator is to

  1. attorney
  2. law
  3. politician
  4. constituents

Answer: 2

Download Here: Bank Previous Year Papers

Bank Reasoning Quiz Directions to Solve

In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.

Give answer:

(A) If only conclusion I follows

(B) If only conclusion II follows

(C) If either I or II follows

(D) If neither I nor II follows and

(E) If both I and II follow.

Question 1: Statements: In a one day cricket match, the total runs made by a team were 200. Out of these 160 runs were made by spinners.


80% of the team consists of spinners.

The opening batsmen were spinners.

  1. Only conclusion I follows
  2. Only conclusion II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follow

Answer: 4

Question 2: Statements: The old order changed yielding place to new.


Change is the law of nature.

Discard old ideas because they are old.

  1. Only conclusion I follows
  2. Only conclusion II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follow

Answer: 1

Get List Of: Bank Exam Coaching Institutes

Question 3: Statements: Government has spoiled many top ranking financial institutions by appointing bureaucrats as Directors of these institutions.


Government should appoint Directors of the financial institutes taking into consideration the expertise of the person in the area of finance.

The Director of the financial institute should have expertise commensurate with the financial work carried out by the institute.

  1. Only conclusion I follows
  2. Only conclusion II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follow

Answer: 5

Question 4: Statements: Population increase coupled with depleting resources is going to be the scenario of many developing countries in days to come.


The population of developing countries will not continue to increase in future.

It will be very difficult for the governments of developing countries to provide its people decent quality of life.

  1. Only conclusion I follows
  2. Only conclusion II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follow

Answer: 2

Get Best Answer: How To Prepare For Bank Exam

Question 5: Statements: Prime age school-going children in urban India have now become avid as well as more regular viewers of television, even in households without a TV. As a result there has been an alarming decline in the extent of readership of newspapers.


Method of increasing the readership of newspapers should be devised.

A team of experts should be sent to other countries to study the impact of TV. on the readership of newspapers.

  1. Only conclusion I follows
  2. Only conclusion II follows
  3. Either I or II follows
  4. Neither I nor II follows
  5. Both I and II follow

Answer: 4

Reasoning Ability Section:

Questions from these following topics are being asked in Institute of Banking Personnel Selection and State Bank of India reasoning section:

  • Sitting Arrangements
  • Tabulation
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Syllogism
  • Input Output
  • Coding Decoding
  • Alphanumeric Series
  • Ranking / Direction / Alphabet Test
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Coded Inequalities
  • Non Verbal Reasoning

Also Read: Bank Exam Preparation Tips

Weightage of Reasoning Ability in Banking Exams

ExamWeightage to Reasoning Ability Section (Objective Questions)
[expressed in marks unless otherwise specified]
SBI PO35/10045/155(questions)
SBI Clerk35/10030-40/200
IBPS PO35/10060/200
IBPS Clerk35/10030-40/200
IBPS RRB40/8050/200
RBI Grade B60/200

The above solved reasoning questions and answers are provided for the convenience of those students who are going to appear in Bank PO/ Clerk/ SO exam. During examination, apply shortcuts while solving mathematics related questions.

We hope that above the information about Bank Reasoning Quiz and reasoning questions with solutions will be helpful for you. Stay tuned with the team of www.recruitmentinboxx.com or follows us on social media.

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